Marine Bouquet


Original Bouquet with maritime print 

For boat lovers and everything related. Choose between the traditional Red-Blue-White or this new proposal. For gentlemen, the blue striped design and for ladies pink or red dots are perfect.

  • Personalization

    Select Colors


    Please fill in all fields, as required in the information and location data for delivery.

    *Select the day the surprise will be delivered!

    *Select your Delivery Schedule Block

    We do not have exact delivery hours. Deliveries are made in three AM / PM time blocks. Select one of the three blocks that is most appropriate to deliver the surprise.

    *Delivery Address

    Enter all location data that facilitates the delivery of the surprise!

    # Apt, Suite

    *Zip Code

    Access Code:

    *Select if:

    Information of the Person to Surprise

    *Name of the person to surprise

    *Phone of the person to surprise

    Who receives the delivery?

    Phone from who receives the delivery

  • NOTE:

    Delivery costs are not included in the price of the products. This cost varies according to the delivery destination.

    • 0 $
    • 10 $
Categories: ,

Terms and Conditions

* We work with 100% Biodegradable latex balloons of Premium quality for a spectacular finish and maximum durability. 

 * All our arrangements are sent by us to the place of delivery or installation of the decoration.  Being large arrangements, it is a delicate product that can be damaged if it is not handled properly.  We also have appropriate vehicles for transfer and delivery in perfect conditions at reasonable costs. Decorations Miami

* The delivery time is variable, according to the number of orders we have and the organization of the routes.  In any case, let us know what the best time for delivery is: Morning, Afternoon or Night with a window of at least 4 hours wide so that we can match without any problem.

 * To avoid inconveniences please send us the addresses in detail: Building number, Street, City, Zip Code, Apartment Number and any relevant data that may facilitate delivery such as entrance codes, parking sector, etc.

* Other important information that you must provide for effective delivery is the

 Name and surname of the person who specifies the arrangement and telephone number.  Be very specific if the recipient of the arrangement is not the person entertained.

 * Before hiring a decoration or bouquet, verify that people who have contact with the arrangement are not allergic to latex.  If so, notify us to make your decoration with another materials, in that case prices may vary.

 * Latex Balloons inflated with Helium gas have a float time of approximately 8 hours.  However, our balloons are treated professionally to extend their duration from 24 to 48 hours or more depending on the weather and the treatment they are given.

* Metallic or Foil balloons inflated with Helium gas, have a float time of 7 to 15 days or more.

 * Balloon arrangements are delicate products and must take into account the conditions of the environment where it will be placed for maximum durability.  We deliver it in perfect condition and it is up to you to follow the following recommendations to keep it as long as possible:

 - Place the arrangement in a cool place but not directly at an air conditioning outlet as Helio gas contracts with excessive cold and your balloons will be deflated.

- Avoid exposing the arrangement directly to the sun.  It heats the latex and foil balloons and they can explode.

 - Moving the arrangement yourself may result in damage to it.  Avoid it or request the shipment directly to the place where it will remain permanently.

 - Place the arrangement on a clean and smooth surface.


Foil balloons may conduct electricity. Do not release helium filled foil balloons outdoors or use near overhead power lines. 

Foil balloons are non biodegradable and therefore should be disposed of carefully with general household waste. 

Latex Balloons, Warning! Children under eight years can choke or suffocate on un-inflated or broken balloons. Adult supervision required. Keep un-inflated balloons from children. Discard broken balloons at once.